Jan 03, 2004: O2XMapper
0.3 release now available, this release provides support for direct mapping of public variables and several other features. For more information click
June 29,2003: O2XMapper
0.2 release now available, this release provides support for
container and location attributes. For more information click
Dec 02, 2002: JDOMapper 0.1a release is now
available. For more information click here
02, 2002:O2XMapper 0.1 final release is now available, several
new features in this release.
View Change Log
Oct 14, 2002: O2XMapper
User Guide now available.
O2XMapper provides a user interface for Mapping Java Objects to
XML. The application allows user to import Java classes and map them
to an XML schema by generating a Castor
XML mapping file. The tool performs series of validations to
ensure that classes and fields are correctly mapped. Existing mapping
files can also be imported into the tool.
Project Homepage on SourceForge.net
User Guide
Castor XML provides an powerful means of mapping objects to xml. However creating the mappings by hand is error prone. O2XMapper will pre-fill most of the options for a class or field. In addition several types of validation is carried out at each level to ensure correct mapping. Finally, the User interface provides a more manageable view of the Mapping configuration, especially as the number of mapped classes grows large.
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